The Council

 We currently have a vacancy for a council member for more information please email


The Parish Council is made up of 7 elected members (unpaid) from the community of Hensall. This is made up of a Chair and 6 other councillors.

We also have a Clerk. Mr Dennis Tredgett. The parish council clerk is the 'engine' of an effective parish council. He is its principal executive and adviser and is the officer responsible for the administration of its financial affairs. 

Councillors give their time to support the local community.  All councillors are elected. Meetings take place on a Tuesday evening at 7.15pm every 5/6 weeks. We meet during winter in the Methodist Chapel and in Summer in the school hall. We do not have meetings in August and December, however communication between the clerk and councillors takes place regularly to discuss activities within the parish of Hensall.

Our Role is to act as the local consultee for the District and County Councils on policy and local issues such as Highways and Planning. 


The Parish Council currently owns and maintains 83 of the 103 street lights in the village.